Dutch language courses NT2 for government officials
Information about classic NT2 courses (for groups).
NT2 language courses for groups
Elycio Talen offers language courses NT2 that are designed for groups of seven to twelve participants with the same starting level.
The primary goal is to improve general Dutch language skills (both written and verbal). The courses are available at several levels, from absolute beginner (A0) to advanced (C1).
Each course consists of:
- twelve two-hour sessions per week
- six months of follow-up care geared towards language maintenance and improvement.
To get the most out of the course, we recommend two to four hours of additional self-study time per session.
The courses are offered online to give people who are stationed outside The Netherlands the opportunity to participate as well.
Please note:
- You can only register for these courses with the approval of your supervisor.
- These language courses are also open to participants from other organisations.
For more information on language levels and training content per level click here.
Start dates and locations
All courses start within twelve weeks of registration, provided there are enough participants. You can indicate your time and location preference and Elycio Talen will try to take this into account when creating the schedule of places, dates and times.
Given that many participants work from home or are statelioned abroad, the courses will be held online as much as possible.
For registration, please contact us via talenrijk@elyciotalen.nl or +31 70 399 2471.
Placement test procedure
The placement test procedure includes a written and an oral component. The written component is part of the provisional registration.
Written placement test
The online placemen test form (including a language test) takes a maximum of thirty minutes to complete. The form must be completed in one session.
Participants who have completed the written placement test will be invited for an interview. You will receive an invitation once your registration has been processed. During the registration process, be sure to indicate which days you are available for a placement test interview.
Oral placement test
The placement test interview lasts approximately fifteen minutes and will be held by phone or via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. The purpose of this interview is to verify your current language level, as determined by the written placement test. You can also provide case studies for the trainer to use during the course. While we certainly welcome and appreciate this extra information, the trainer is free to determine the extent to which this material can be used in a general language course for participants from different organisations.
An interview is not necessary in the following situations:
- The training module you are participating in is a direct continuation of the previous module you completed.
- Your previous trainer has approved your participation in the new module.
After the written and oral placement test
Based on the results of the written and oral placement test, the trainer will determine your current proficiency level and recommend the most suitable training module. If the recommended module is not your preferred module, the trainer will explain the discrepancy.
Group division and class schedule
For maximum efficiency, participants will be divided into groups based on their language level, as determined by the written and oral placement tests. The group division and the class schedule will therefore be announced after the oral placement test. The course will be offered provided there are seven or more participants.
Final schedule
The final schedule will be determined based on the registrations, whereby participants can indicate their preference for a location, day and time. If there are not enough registrations, Elycio Talen will do its best to assign participants to other suitable groups. If this is not possible, we will try and find an alternative solution.
Study materials, certificate and final advice
If this is your first time participating in one of our language courses, you will receive a textbook. In most cases, these books can be used for multiple language modules. Replacing a previously provided textbook is possible, although additional costs will be incurred. Our trainers sometimes provide additional study materials as well.
The course will be concluded with an assessment to determine the exit level. This may take the form of a written test or a short presentation. If you actively participate in at least 80% of the sessions, you will receive a certificate of participation. This certificate will be sent to the e-mail address you provided during registration. The trainer will also issue language advice for further learning.
Language exam
You also have the option of taking an official language exam at the end of the course. If you pass, you will receive a certificate stating your language proficiency level in accordance with the CEFR standards. Elycio Talen recommends taking this exam after completing the language course. You will have to register separately for this exam.
Online learning environment
Participants from all training modules have access to an online learning environment with relevant information about their schedule, course materials and homework. You will receive an e-mail with access code at the start of your course.
For more information about the costs, send an e-mail to talenrijk@elyciotalen.nl.
Contact us
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at talenrijk@elyciotalen.nl. We will get back to you as soon as possible and by the end of the following business day at the latest. You can also call us on +31 70 399 2471 (business hours CET).
It is our intention to provide you with accurate and comprehensive information about the structure and content of our language courses for government officials herein. However, no rights can be derived from this information.
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